About Pam

I am a retired software engineer from western Pennsylvania.  I took early retirement to work in social services; I have worked with adolescents in residential facilities, as a mobile peer specialist working in their homes with people who have mental illnesses, and as a peer specialist in a residential facility for adults who have mental illnesses.

I am an unapologetic liberal and a Christian.  I am a liberal specifically because I'm a Christian.  I try to live by the red letters, those things that Jesus is quoted as saying in the New Testament.

I have suffered from Major Depression off and on ever since I was an adolescent.  I've always been honest and open about this illness.  I aim to facilitate the discussion and destigmatization of brain disorders.

I hope my writing is meaningful to you, and I encourage you to comment, even if you disagree with me.  Only in this way can we open up an honest dialogue. 


  1. Hi Pam,

    My name is Leanne and I work for PsyWeb.com, an online resource offering information and support for people battling depression and other mental illnesses. We are always looking for partners in the online community to help us end the stigma and replace it with understanding and acceptance.

    Would you be willing to write an article about your experience with depression? We've found that our audience responds very well to Share Your Story articles as they help our readers realize that they are not alone in their struggles.

    Please let me know if you'd be interested in sharing your story, which you can do anonymously if you wish.

    Take care,
    Leanne (leanne@deepdivemedia.net)

    1. Hi, Leanne,

      I read your comment long ago, and had good intentions of writing something for you. Unfortunately, I've struggled since then, and I am very sorry to have been so rude and to have not responded at all. All I can say is that I will keep this in mind and may write something later.

      I hope you are well,


  2. Ugly German Hunchback11 June, 2024 12:53

    But how can a Christian write that suicide is one's "Plan B"? This you wrote here:


    I don't get this: if I believed that by killing myself I would either cease to exist completely or at least would not have to experience worse suffering, I'd do it. The only reason I am alive still is my belief in Christ. I actually survived a hanging attempt at age 23, was "born-again" at age thirty and am still struggling at age 37 with wanting to off myself. I do not plan it any time soon, I just suffer through this awful life I just don't like. After all, even Job and Jeremiah cursed their births. And why wouldn't they, given how awful this all is.
